A Set of 128 Free Icons for you to use in any projects, be sure to share!

Function Free Icon Set

We could have gone on making these for ever, but I felt that we had most of the icons that you will find useful made so decided to leave the set at 128 Icons, they are only available in 48×48px. These free icons are exactly that, free! You can use them anywhere, all we ask is that you share these icons by linking to this page.


Features of the Set

We’ve tried to keep a consistent style with quite a glossy look to the icons, admittedly some are better than others, but our first attempt at a set of icons I’m happy how they turned out. We’ve Included some of the main Social Media Icons such as: Design Float, Digg, Delicious, Furl, Technorati, Flickr, Stumble Upon, Twitter & Many more…

Function Free Icon Set

Share these Icons

If you find these icons useful we’d like you to pass them on to other who you think might appreciate the set. You can do this easily by clicking one of the share links at the bottom of this article, or using the URL in the address bar and give the link to this article Page to anyone who needs ‘em. The URL to share is: http://wefunction.com/2008/07/function-free-icon-set

Important, you must link to this article when sharing the Icons, you must not upload these files anywhere else.

Download The Icons

Download Function Icon Set | .zip Format | 663kb | 48×48px Icons

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    The Fairyland

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